Pot-Side-Up Restructured Patio Table

Good weather (somewhat) is finally upon us! Now if only the wind will go away..and the rain...and well, it would be nice if it were 10 degrees warmer. But I can't complain, at least there's not snow on the ground ...I know I probably just jinxed myself there :)

I decided that this is the year that I'm going to make my patio look awesome and my porch worth something to sit on. So, I've been doing lots of projects to get them where I want.

Terracotta pot recycled into accent table

I needed a cute durable table that would withstand the high winds we get ...which pretty much meant that most of the accent tables you can buy were completely out. Especially the ones with glass tops. I have a few old terracotta pots lying around and was toying with the idea of making a table out of them. I then realized I needed a little bit bigger of a pot, so I went and bought a pot and base for about $20.

Terracotta pot recycled into accent table

 This was the simplest project ever. I painted it with some white semi-gloss latex paint. Then added the jute with a hot glue gun. I then flipped it upside down and secure the bottom piece to the bottom with some gorilla glue and done! I haven't sealed this yet because I'm kind of curious how it will hold up in the weather and how it will look when weathered. I think it may look beautiful...but who knows :) Only time will tell. So for now, this is straight up paint -nothing more.

The size of this is perfect to go between two chairs, or use as a side table too.

Terracotta pot repurposed into accent table

 The top is actually a decent size to place a few glasses on there, maybe a glass and small plate. 

Terracotta pot recycled into accent table
 For $20, I'm thinking I'm going to make a couple of these to go around our patio and porch. It turned out so cute and they are so durable! 

Terracotta pot recycled into accent table
